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Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Training (HAZWOPER)


Is it about time to refresh your knowledge and improve your understanding of the Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Standard (HAZWOPER)? Let FEI’s  Training Center  HAZWOPER 8-Hour Annual Refresher training keep you updated with the latest safety practices in hazardous waste operations!

This HAZWOPER course is for workers who come into contact with hazardous waste and substances. It meets the requirements outlined in OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120 for eight (8) hours of annual refresher training.

The course includes nine (9) sections associated with Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER 8 Hour OSHA Training). They include Decontamination and Confined Space Entry. Other topics include Site Characterization, Hazard Recognition, Toxicology, Personal Protective Equipment and Emergency Procedures.

You should expect concise yet thorough discussions about the principles of decontamination, OSHA regulations and requirements, potentially hazardous situations, and more!

Learning Objectives:

  • Read and understand OSHA regulations and requirements
  • Summarize Site Characterization
  • Understand the principles of toxicology and how they relate to various types of chemical exposures
  • Describe potentially hazardous situations involving corrosives, solvents, oxidizers and reactive chemicals
  • Identify the uses for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and how to choose the correct PPE
  • Understand the principles of decontamination as well as levels of decontamination and methods
  • Understand the confined space permit system; be able to identify the main confined space atmospheric hazards, types of ventilation and gain an overall understanding of medical concerns associated with confined spaces
  • Understand the various considerations in an emergency situation and the importance of training and actions to personal safety and the safety of others

When you’re done with the course you will get a certificate of completion (accepted by OSHA as documentation of training).

1 day

Note: Cost may vary based on date.  See course schedule below for actual cost.

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